Destination: Art! – The Scarlet Venue – Music – Visual Arts – Healing Arts
What happens when you combine the healing arts with the visual arts and live music? An introduction into beauty, empowerment and contemplation begins. Saturday, September 17th, 2016, 8pm-4am, The Scarlet Venue, 131 Main Street in downtown Central City, Colorado will open its doors to a holistic level of healing and artistic expression that offers something for everyone, brought to you by 7 Healing Stars, Feyline and Colorado Concerts. The line-up includes: Random Rab and Templo just to name a few. Joining the expressive team for this event is Dorothy Tanner; light sculptor, installation artist and director of Tanner Studio/Lumonics Light & Sound Gallery of Denver.
The downstairs area at The Scarlet will host an installation by Dorothy Tanner that will allow guests to relax, meditate and explore the “benefits of light and sound and multi-sensory stimulation on one’s well-being”, a sort of “mind spa”. The founder of 7 Healing Stars Oneness Center in Central City, Dr. Jomar Suarez is “especially interested in the therapeutic potential of {this} art for mental health treatments and applications.” *
Dr. Jomar Suarez, an attending psychiatrist at the West Springs Hospital in Grand Junction, CO, and holds appointments with the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado and Denver Health Hospital, who prefers to be called Jomar, began his own journey of enlightenment after a life-changing vision on a trip to South America. This vision included a seven stars community center. At the time it wasn’t clear to Jomar how or when this would all come to fruition. Once the energy and thought is put into motion rarely does the universe not commit itself also to the vision.
What is the vision and how will this connect the public? To put it simply the “mission is to provide a wide array of events using a collective of artists, musicians, holistic healers, professionals, scholars, educators, spiritual and community leaders – Creating a platform to unite and empower the local and global community through…
1. Nutrition- Root Chakra
2. Sustainable Living- Sacral Chakra
3. Education & Research- Solar Plexus Chakra
4. Holistic Healing- Heart Chakra
5. Arts, Humanities & Expression- Throat Chakra
6. Spiritual Freedom- Third Eye Chakra
7. Community Integration- Crown Chakra
“Each of these core areas represents a “star” in our 7 Stars logo. Our purpose is to create a model that allows for collective abundance without compromising accessibility and it all comes together under the name 7 HEALING STARS ONENESS CENTER. By providing this platform and implementing the model of “the collective” the hope is to increase collaboration and motivation for diversity of products and services,” explains Jomar.
Jomar has decidedly and thoughtfully taken action to make his vision real and Central City has welcomed him with opened arms for his dedication and investment to the revitalization of Central City. Jomar was initially drawn to Central City after attending a retreat on Charlie Morgan’s land in Gilpin County called Uncle Charlie’s Ranch. “Uncle Charlie” as Mr. Morgan is often referred to regularly allows his property to be used for such retreats that Jomar attended. The retreat led to Jomar’s interest in studying the properties of the water source which has attributed to many people’s claims of physical healing. Not only did Jomar purchase the land adjacent to Mr. Morgan’s, with the notion of creating a holistic retreat center, an outdoor community and event center including the redevelopment of Mr. Morgan’s property, but Jomar has also purchased the Central City landmark The Sauer-McShane mercantile building.
This building was once the former studio of Angelo DiBenedetto (1913-1992). “Always an agitator for individual rights, Angelo was the leader in promoting royalties for artists when their works sold again at inflated prices. He was the first, in 1946, to include a contract with his sales that specified royalties in the event of resale or reproduction.” * Jomar is on a spirited mission reminiscent of DiBenedtto himself of peace, unity, awareness and expression. Jomar’s floor plans of the Sauer-McShane warehouse will include artists’ studios and workshop, a gallery, auditorium, cafe and market that will also include an indoor garden and 22-bed hostel. The Sauer-McShane stone building is 10,000sqft, three levels located on Spring Street.
Jomar is also renovating another building on Main Street, Doc Holliday where the career restrospective of Dorothy and Mel Tanner (1926-1993) will be showcased after the initial exhibition at the Museum of Outdoor Arts (MOA), Englewood, CO ends in March. The “Retrospective” begins at MOA January 15th, 2017.
Hosting music concerts, keynote speakers, forums, conventions, workshops, retreats and showcasing world-renowned artists, the purpose and goal of The Scarlet as well as the vision of Dr. Jomar Suarez is becoming very clear. Please join 7 Healing Stars Saturday, September 17th, 8pm-4am showcasing the lighted sculptures of Dorothy Tanner of Lumonics Light & Sound Gallery including other special artists for an event that brings together internationally known electronic music performers Random Rab and Templo with the healing arts that also includes visual artistry. Refreshments, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, massage and yoga will also be offered. For more information visit The Scarlet Venue purchase your tickets HERE
Please note some information was gathered from the following sources: 1* Central City News Release; 2* 12/7/2010