Core New Art Space Presents “The Nomadic Womb”
The Core New Art Space premieres new works of Lisa Corine von Koch, also known as the Baroness Elsa von, on October 27th. The display is called the “The Nomadic Womb.” Or you might call it “Adventures in Narcissism,” or “A Brief Hysteria of Histrionic Behavior.”
The tripartite naming mirrors the Baroness Elsa von’s multidisciplinary talents and the marrying of creative classes: ink paintings, sculpture, and performance art. She is the blender of styles.
At the heart of the Baroness’ works is the fusion of creation and performance. One in which life and art course along the same life-breathing veins.
The Nomadic Womb exhibition is the one year culmination of von Koch’s performances as the Cosmic Nun, as well as paintings exhibiting her time as the ceremonial Documenter of the Turkey Boogie and the GGBY (the initialism stands for the excellent Gobble Gobble Bitches Yeah!): a base jumping and highlining festival outside von Koch’s hometown of Moab, Utah.
The Cosmic Nun performance is inspired by the sand mandalas created by Tibetan Buddhist Monks. The monks famously —and painstakingly—create a symbolic microcosm of the universe, and then ritualistically destroy the work, modeling the impermanence inherent in existence.
The canyon desert paintings are tightropes: a walk on the knife’s edge between success and failure. Utilizing a rich array of colors the Baroness Elsa von captures a vibrant community of characters in the midst of action. Base Jumper’s fly towards the sun-baked earth below, their parachutes boldly popping on the canvas; while highliners saunter to a spacenet suspended above the canyon’s gaping mouth.
For an artist suspected of histrionica, it’s appropriate that von Koch’s paintings are performances in themselves, the performance of individuals united by the pursuit of the extraordinary. Even von Koch painted from the sun-colored spider’s net suspended above the canyon; proudly The World’s First Drawing from the Spacenet.
The Baroness writes, ‘As a performance artist, doing it in the real world with everything I’ve got, I open myself up to a perilous moment that can easily topple into either glory or shame. It is in the recollection of some of these key moments in my life that I ask, “where, at the time, was my womb?”’
Wherever von Koch’s womb was traveling, we’re glad it arrived safely to create mesmerizing works of art.
“The Nomadic Womb” exhibit opens on October 27th from 6-9 PM. It will feature a live performance by Lisa Corine von Koch, and live music by the drum-saxophone duo GLADYS. The Core New Art Space is located in Denver, at 900 Santa Fe Drive.
To learn about “The Nomadic Womb” and Lisa Corine von Koch, visit her website at For more information on the Core New Art Space visit the gallery’s website at